MRC de L’Assomption, Wednesday, July 15th – Ecofuel and Zone Agtech have entered a partnership to further develop and accelerate emerging Quebec startups and seed stage companies in plant-based bioproducts and Agtech.

“This connection is very unifying and I’d invite all partners to join our project as Ecofuel did. Together we are going to go further, we are going to drive the future of agriculture.” – Sébastien Nadeau, Mayor of L’Assomption and Zone Agtech instigator within the MRC de L’Assomption’s Council of Mayors.

The Zone Agtech’s mission is to bring together, propel and promote innovative Agtech and plant-based bioproducts companies. It offers a business environment 100% devoted to industry, financing support, strategic support, business networking and experimentation, demonstration and implementation sites. Its objective? To accelerate the transition from idea to market, by offering first-class dedicated services.

“Ecofuel’s goal complements our mission very well: they want to help entrepreneurs build sustainable and revenue-generating business models in an environment stimulated by the entire Agtech ecosystem. We are convinced that this partnership will enable us to support high-potential companies or demonstrate high-value technologies.” – Marilou Cyr, Zone Agtech’s Director.

When MRC de L’Assomption launched Zone Agtech on February 6th, they wanted to stimulate the development of the future of agriculture. It does this by leveraging innovative agricultural technologies and plant-based bioproducts to address issues facing the agriculture and agri-food sector, including its vulnerability to climate change, the labor shortage and its desire to create efficient and cost-effective models with a lower carbon footprint.

Since then, Zone Agtech has created around thirty networks, developed two international partnerships, set up four consortia and reached more than 400 actors through its events. About twenty companies are also looking to settle in the geolocated area. In just five months, Zone Agtech has brought together more than 50 Quebec companies within the Agtech Community, more than 1,600 scientists representing 24 complementary expertise, 10 financial partners and three partners in acceleration.

“Innovation is at the heart of this partnership with Zone Agtech and the support of innovative start-ups and seed stage companies, a guarantee of success to move from idea to market. Ecofuel has recognized expertise and experience, a well-established support program and a diversified investment portfolio. Our involvement in the innovative agricultural technology sector will add to the partnership with Zone Agtech and will benefit all of Quebec” says Johanne Sévigny, VP startups at the Ecofuel Accelerator, responsible for this partnership.”

About Ecofuel

Ecofuel, powered by Cycle Capital, is a seed stage Venture Capital Fund and an Accelerator offering a specialized and customized program to clean technology companies. Ecofuel works with entrepreneurs to support them in the start-up of companies that will be internationally competitive.

 About Zone Agtech

Zone Agtech is a place of innovation to drive the future of agriculture. Bringing together 10 technology transfer centres, three research centres, a university, more than 10 financial partners and an agtech community of more than 50 Quebec companies in innovative agricultural technologies, it focuses on the development of cutting-edge solutions to support the transition of agricultural producers towards more sustainable production that is less vulnerable to climatic hazards and scarcity of labour.

Info :
Catherine Bérubé
+1 514 629-1022
Site web :
Twitter : @ecofuelstartups
LinkedIn : Ecofuel

Kassandra Martel
Zone Agtech
+1 514 816-2692