Montreal, July 7 2020 – The Ecofuel Accelerator launches the recruitment for its Fall 2020 cohort. Seed and Early stage cleantech companies have until August 28th, 2020 to submit their application for the Accelerator’s 12th cohort that will start early October 2020.

The 4-months Ecofuel acceleration program offers access to training workshops, strategic business intelligence, networking sessions, over 40 mentors who are a reference in cleantech and/or their respective fields of expertise and the possibility to obtain a seed investment of up to $75,000.

Ecofuel’s goal is to help entrepreneurs build a sustainable and profitable business plan in an environment stimulated by the other companies in the cohort, the mentors and the broader clean technology ecosystem. In short, Ecofuel prepares the entrepreneur to refine their business plan and to raise the required financing to execute it.

Tu apply, please submit your application at or contact Morgan Guitton, Director of operations:

Catherine Bérubé
Vice President, Sustainable Development, Government Relations and Public Affairs
+1 514 629-1022
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Twitter : @ecofuelstartups
LinkedIn : Ecofuel